Monday, October 24, 2011

the rain in spain...

isn't very common. but today i experienced my first rain of the season. it was a nice change of pace; i was actually feeling cold for once instead of sweating for most of the day. however, i did not really appreciate the rain this morning during my 15 minute walk to the bus station during which my umbrella decided it was too tired to actually protect me from the rain.

so i spent the whole day pretty wet. one of the teachers asked me why i didn't bring a change of clothes with me. i thought that was a pretty interesting question..the answer that immediately popped into my head was "because im not 5 years old". but it is a good idea now that i think about it..or maybe ill just buy some rain boots.

anyway, seville/spain in general is kinda on mañana time most of the time but when it rains, mañana time seems like speedy gonzalez. My bus was running ten minutes late (my roommate's was 30 mins late so i guess it could have been worse).

By the end of the school day (2 pm) the rain had finished. It went back to the nice sunny weather I have experienced since I got here, except the temperature finally dropped so it was a very pleasant afternoon.

and halloween is in the air. i carved my first pumpkin today (i will be carving a total of 5--one for each bilingual class in the school). tomorrow i go to apply for my foreigner's identity card so i don't get kicked out of the country when my visa expires on december 1. Wish me luck!

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